source: Vespa Indonesia Online
Dengan hormat,
Secara fisik, Skuter adalah jenis kendaraan bermotor roda dua (2) dimana pengendara dimanjakan dengan kontruksi kendaraan yang unik dan nyaman juga keamanannya dalam mengendarai. Menurut Sejarah, Skuter dalam bahasa Italy adalah " Tawon" hal ini terobsesi dari bentuk atau skuter yang menyerupai Tawon. Skuter yang terlahir dari negara Italy ini di produksi oleh Piaggio ini bermerkkan VESPA
Keberadaan Vespa di Indonesia ternyata bisa menyatukan ratusan orang dan membuat mereka bersaudara atau lebih kerennya di sebut BROTHERHOOD. Berawal dari saling bertukar informasi diantara penggemar- penggemar vespa, hubungan ini kian erat dan akhirnya terjalin persaudaraan Yang melahirkan Club atau Komunitas yang tidak menonjolkan ego individu, tetapi hal ini lebih untuk membentuk persaudaraan dalam satu Komunitas guna mempererat tali persaudaraan antara sesama penggemar vespa.
Bertolak ukur dari hal di atas tiada maksud dari saya untuk menyombongkan diri, maksud dan tujuan saya tidak lain berbagi pengalaman dan bertukar pikiran kepada rekan-rekan sekalian. Adapun kelebihan dan kekurangan dari prologh ini Saya pribadi mohon dikoreksi, Karena pada dasarnya tidak ada manusia di dunia ini yang sempurna.
Prisip dasar kinerja dari pada mesin vespa ini berbasis dua tak atau dua langkah, langkah pertama adalah pembilasan serta percampurannya antara bahan bakar dan udara yang sebelumnya sudah di atur dari karburator, lalu langkah kedua proses penekanan bahan bakar keruang bakar sehingga terjadilah ledakan dari percikan api busi dan bahan bakar yang berakibat adanya dorongan seher yang memutar poros engkol dan kopling gir transmisi. Di bawah ini saya akan menjelaskan perangkat mesin vespa super yang terdiri dari
Karburator adalah satu komposisi alat yang mengatur suplai bahan bakar ke ruang bakar, ini sebuah alat yang berkerja secara kinetik tanpa alat elektronik sipengendara hanya mengatur suplai udara melalui tuas gas yan ada distang kemudi lalu perangkat lainnya dari karburator menyesuaikan dengan sendirinya.
Yang disebut Proses pengapian adalah terjadinya satu percikan api busi sebagai penyulut bahan bakar yang telah tercampur dan terbilas oleh poros engkol atau krukas yang ada dalam ruang bakar guna terjadinya ledakan yang menghasilkan dorongan seher. Api yang ada di busi dihasilkan dari SPUL PLATINA yang ada dalam medan magnet, setrum dari spul di stabilkan KONDENSATOR berukuran 2 farad lalu di sinyalkan atau sistem pemulsaran oleh PLATINA setrum yang melalui proses di atas di perkuat atau perbesar oleh KOIL, proses ini berdampak percikan api di BUSI berkekuatan lebih dari 4000 voltase dengan titik ampere lemah
Ruang bakar adalah satu ruang yang ada di dalam mesin vespa untuk menghasilkan tenaga berkapasitas 150 CC, di sini terjadi proses MIXTURISASI atau penyampuran antara bahan bakar berjenis bensin dengan udara KRUK AS atau poros engkol setelah bahan bakar tercampur di transferkan oleh pistonnya yang telah terdorong oleh proses sebelumnya melelui rongga ransfering yang ada pada BLOK SILINDER, lalu bahan bakar mengalami penekanan ke ruang vakum yang ada pada HEAD SILINDER di sini lah terjadi ledakan hasil dari tekanan dan percikan api busi, sisa bahan bakar yang berjenis karbon dioksida dibuang ke udara lepas melalui lubang buang mengarah ke KNALPOT yang berfungsi memanfaatkan gas buang sebagai kompresi balik untuk menyempurnakan proses selanjutnya, dan juga knalpot ini berfungsi sebagai peredam suara ledakan,
Tiga proses di atas menghasilkan rotasi atau perputaran mesin dan gir-gir yang ada di girbok di melalui KOPLING atau cluth yang berpungsi sebagai otomatis penetral putaran gir sesui dengan keinginan pengendara dalam gir bok terdiri dari GEAR PRIMER atau lebih di kenal dengan gigi borobudur rotasi dari gigi borobudur ini berhubungan langsung dengan GEAR SEKUNDER atau lebih dikenal sebagai gigi seri. Pengaturan transmisi dari kecepatan gigi 1 ke 4 doleh CRASH GEAR atau gigi silang pengaturan ini langsung di hubung kan ke kendali atau stang motor, keunikan mesin ini dalam mantransferkan tenaga tidak menggunakan sistem rantai. Dalam perawatan lebih murah dan mudah yang terpenting adalah ketelitian dan ke apikan kit menggunakan mesin ini.
i. Karburator sering kotor atau spuyer tersendat Dalam masalah ini berdampak langsung dengan laju motor, motor dalam melaju tersendat- sendat atau motor malah sulit untuk hidup terkadang
pula busi sering mati terlihat dari ujung busi isolatornya berwarna hitam kelang yang mengakibatkan hilang nya percikan api di busi Penyelesaiannya:
1. Bersihkan tangki bahan bakar dari kotoran dan karat
2. Periksa selang bensin dari kerak bahan bakar
3. Bersihkan karburator menggunakan kompresor angin perikasa kembali lubang- lubang spuyer jangan sampai ada kotoran yang tertinggal, ketelitian di tuntut dalam hal ini
4. Periksa ukuran lobang spuyer sudah pas belum jangan sampai kebesaran atau kekecilan. Bila kebesaran motor akan boros bahan bakar dan juga busi sering mati. Ukuran ubang spuyer berpatokan pada ukuran standar pabrik
5. Setingan atau penyetelan jarum ideal harus pas menurut pengalaman saya caranya dengan menyetel stasioner karbu pada stelan tertinggi, lalu putar jarum ideal menggunakan obeng kekanan setelah berhenti putaran jarum kendorkan kembali ke kiri perlahan-lahan sampai terdengar suara mesin di putaran ter tinggi,
Permasalahan dalam pengapian juga akan berdampak langsung pada laju motor atau motor tidak bisa hidup, susah starter motor biasanya kendala pengapian berada pada stelan platina yang tidak benar, bisa juga salah satu perangkat pengapian sperti Busi, Koil, Platina, Kondensor, Spul pengapian ada yang sudah tidak layak pakai atau mati. penyelasaiannya:
Langkah pertama periksa warna ujung busi, bila berwarna hitam kelang busi tidak akan memercikan api solusinya stel ulang ukuran spuyer pilot jet dan main jet, bila warna ujung busi merah bata maka periksa ke bagian yang pengapian yang lainnya. Koil yang layak pakai apabila kita konsletkan kabel busi dengan jarak ke massa mesin kira kira 8 mm masih terjadi loncatan api berwarna biru, bila tida berwarana biru di sini percikan atau loncatan api berwarna merah ini berarti setelan platina tidak benar atau si koilnya yang memang sudah lemah, loncatan api dari koil dipengaruhi langsung oleh stelan platina, Penyetelan platina yang benar adalah berjarak kerenggangan antara konektor minus dan konektor plus nya kira-kira 0,5mm. dengan menggunakan obeng min, perlu di ingat penyetelannya jangan di ketok karena hal akan mempersingkat umur pakai platina karna entara konektor tidak lurus atau bengkok. Loncatan yang terjadi pada platina juga
berkaitan dengan kondisi kondensator Pemeriksaan kondensator amat lah mudah apa bila terjadi lancatan api di platina ini di karenakan kondensator anda sudah tidak layak pakai, ganti kondensor anda atau ada cara lain yaitu cangkok kondensor dengan kondensor lainnya atau sistem kondensatornya di double dengan ukuran kapasitas kondensor yang sama 2 farad, Yang terakhir adalah cek spul pengapian anda masih layak pakai atau harus di ganti dengan yang baru, tanda spul pengapian rusak, biasanya kumparan spul lecet, gulungan spul kendor, spul putus.
Apabila semuanya stabil maka anda wajib memeriksa nap puur atau ketepatan pengapian tapi sebelumnya lihat dulu kondisi spi magnet patah atau tidak juga lihat kondisi rotor masih bagus atau sudah tidak, ukuran nap puur adalah 21 drajat sebelum titik mati poros atau kondisi pala seher di atas.
iii. Motor macet tidak bisa starter Ini adalah suatu trable mesin yang lebih fatal biasanya hal ini terjadi di kerenakan lakher atau BEARING ada yang rusak, stang sekher atau CONECTING ROOD rusak, ring sekher patah, sekher atau PISTON tidak layak pakai, perangkat di gear bok ada yang patah, PER GIGI PRIMER rontok, PLAT KOPLING yang sudah tidak layak pakai. GIGI STATER ompong atau rontok. Proses penyelesainnya harus turun mesin dan kita harus bongkar semua perangkat mesin agar lebih mudah pengecekan nya. Apabila dalam pengecekan perangkat ternyata ada yang rusak lebih baiknya kita ganti dengan yang baru, untuk menjaga hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan yang bisa saja nanti terjadi di dalam kita mengoprasikan kendaraan
kita di jalan.
iv. Motor tidak nyaman di kendarai atau goyang Dalam kondisi ini diluar dari pada mesin kecuali perangkat penunjang dan stabizer getaran atau karet mesin, masalah ini menyangkut kenyamannan kita dalam berkandara karna semua ini akan berdampak langsung dalam SAFETY REEDING keselamatan kita terancam bila hal ini di biarkan. Adapun panenggulangnganya sbb:
cek kondisi kelayakan ban dan pelek, bila ban botak harus ganti kondisi pelek pun harus stabil jangan ada speleng atau goyang Cek kondisi as ayun masih layak pakai atau tidak, biasanya dalam kondisi ini pala babi depan akan goyang apa bilia as ayun rusak, semua itu berdampak langsung pada sistem kendali kendaraan anda, Cek lassan bodi pada titik tumpu seperti, DEK MOTOR, TULANG BUAYA, LUBANG AS MESIN, TUMPUAN SOK BLAKANG, DLL. Bila terjadi keropokan pada bodi jangan biarkan hal itu berlarut karna akan berakibat kerusakan bodi yang lebih fatal bahkan pernah terjadi notaor tiba tiba patah. Cek kondisi STABIZER GETARAN atau karet-karet mesin dan shokbreker juga MOUNTING sok blakang, bila terlihat sudah usang atau rusak harus cepat-cepat di ganti. Cek SOKBREAKER, apa bila sok breker sudah lemah baik pernya atau sok wajib untuk kita ganti, jangan lupa kondisi mur roda baik depan maupun belakang dalam kondisi kencang dan terkunci paku pengunci. Jangan sekali kali anda pertaruh kan nyawa anda hanya karena malas untuk memperbaikinya.
Demikian lah prolog ini saya sampaikan kepada anda selaku saudara saya di vespa, ketelitian anda adalah kunci kenyamanaan dan keselamatan dalam mengendarai vespa di jalan, JANGAN PERNAH ANDA MEMPERTARUHKAN NYAWA ANDA DENGAN KENDARAAN YANG TIDAK LAYAK PAKAI. Sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terima kasih. Bravo vespa mania indonesia jaya selalu.
Sabtu, 22 November 2008
Minggu, 16 November 2008
Lebih Baik Naik Vespa…
Begitulah dulu bunyi potongan iklan dari kendaraan roda dua buatan
Selain nyaman dikendarai, Vespa juga dapat dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan…
kalo mau mudik gini aja… dari pada susah2 desek2an di kereta…
Pembangunan busway ga kelar2
bbm naik lagi? ga punya duit buat beli bensin? genjot aja…
kalo ga lagi perang bisa dipake buat kesawah…
(dikutip dan diedit dari forum vespa
Label: funny
Sabtu, 15 November 2008
Lebih Baik Naik Vespa
Kamis, 21 Februari, 2008 oleh nino
Begitulah dulu bunyi potongan iklan dari kendaraan roda dua buatan
Selain nyaman dikendarai, Vespa juga dapat dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan…
kalo mau mudik gini aja… dari pada susah2 desek2an di kereta…
Pembangunan busway ga kelar2
bbm naik lagi? ga punya duit buat beli bensin? genjot aja…
kalo ga lagi perang bisa dipake buat kesawah…
(dikutip dan diedit dari forum vespa
Label: funny
Senin, 27 Oktober 2008
History of Vespa
THE ORIGINS Piaggio was founded in Genoa in 1884 by twenty-year-old Rinaldo Piaggio. The first activity of Rinaldo's factory was luxury ship fitting. But by the end of the century, Piaggio was also producing rail carriages, goods vans, luxury coaches and engines, trams and special truck bodies. World War I brought a new diversification that was to distinguish Piaggio activities for many decades. The company started producing aeroplanes and seaplanes. At the same time, new plants were springing up. In 1917 Piaggio bought a new plant in Pisa, and four years later it took over a small plant in Pontedera which first became the centre of aeronautical production (propellers, engines and complete aircraft) and then, after World War II, witnessed the birth of the iconic Vespa. | ![]() |
FROM AERONAUTICS TO INDIVIDUAL MOBILITY: THE TRANSFORMATION OF 1946 The war, a radical watershed for the entire Italian economy, was equally important for Piaggio. The Pontedera plant built the state-of-the-art four-engine P 108 equipped with a 1,500-bhp Piaggio engine in passenger and bomber versions. However Piaggio's aeronautical plants in Tuscany (Pontedera and Pisa) were important military targets and on August 31, 1943 they were razed to the ground by Allied bombers, after the retreating Germans had already mined the pillars of the buildings and irrevocably damaged the plants. To rebuild the Pontedera plants, Enrico Piaggio asked the Allies, who then occupied part of the grounds and of the buildings still standing, to arrange for the machinery transferred to Germany and Biella in northern Italy to be brought back. This was done rapidly and Armando and Enrico Piaggio then began the process of rebuilding. The hardest task went to Enrico, who was responsible for the destroyed plants of Pontedera and Pisa. Enrico Piaggio's decision to enter the light mobility business was based on economic assessments and sociological considerations. It took shape thanks to the successful co-operation of the aeronautical engineer and inventor Corradino D'Ascanio (1891-1981). | ![]() ![]() |
THE BIRTH OF A LEGEND The Vespa (which means "wasp" in Italian) was the result of Enrico Piaggio's determination to create a low cost product for the masses. As the war drew to a close, Enrico studied every possible solution to get production in his plants going again. A motor scooter was produced, based on a small motorcycle made for parachutists. The prototype, known as the MP5, was nicknamed "Paperino" (the Italian name for Donald Duck) because of its strange shape, but Enrico Piaggio did not like it, and he asked Corradino D'Ascanio to redesign it. But the aeronautical designer did not like motorcycles. He found them uncomfortable and bulky, with wheels that were difficult to change after a puncture. Worse still, the drive chain made them dirty. However, his aeronautical experience found the answer to every problem. To eliminate the chain he imagined a vehicle with a stress-bearing body and direct mesh; to make it easier to ride, he put the gear lever on the handlebar; to make tyre changing easier he designed not a fork, but a supporting arm similar to an aircraft carriage. Finally, he designed a body that would protect the driver so that he would not get dirty or dishevelled. Decades before the spread of ergonomic studies, the riding position of the Vespa was designed to let you sit comfortably and safely, not balanced dangerously as on a high-wheel motorcycle. Corradino D'Ascanio only needed a few days to refine his idea and prepare the first drawings of the Vespa, first produced in Pontedera in April 1946. It got its name from Enrico Piaggio himself who, looking at the MP 6 prototype with its wide central part where the rider sat and the narrow "waist", exclaimed, "It looks like a wasp!" And so the Vespa was born. On April 23, 1946 Piaggio & C. S.p.A. filed a patent with the Central Patents Office for inventions, models and brand names at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in Florence, for "a motor cycle with a rational complex of organs and elements with body combined with the mudguards and bonnet covering all the mechanical parts". In a short space of time the Vespa was presented to the public, provoking contrasting reactions. However, Enrico Piaggio did not hesitate to start mass production of two thousand units of the first Vespa 98 cc. The new vehicle made its society debut at Rome's elegant Golf Club, in the presence of U.S. General Stone who represented the Allied military government. Italians saw the Vespa for the first time in the pages of Motor (March 24, 1946) and on the black and white cover of La Moto on April 15, 1946. | ![]() |
FROM SCEPTICISM TO "MIRACLE" Manufacturers and market experts were divided: on one side the people who saw the Vespa as the realisation of a brilliant idea, and on the other the sceptics, who were soon to change their minds. In the last months of 1947 production exploded and the following year the Vespa 125 appeared, a larger model that was soon firmly established as the successor to the first Vespa 98. The Vespa "miracle" had become reality, and output grew constantly; in 1946, Piaggio put 2,484 scooters on the market. These became 10,535 the following year, and by 1948 production had reached 19,822. When in 1950 the first German licensee also started production, output topped 60,000 vehicles, and just three years later 171,200 vehicles left the plants. Foreign markets also watched the birth of the scooter with interest, and both the public and the press expressed curiosity and admiration. The Times called it "a completely Italian product, such as we have not seen since the Roman chariot". Enrico Piaggio continued tenaciously to encourage the spread of the Vespa abroad, creating an extensive service network all over Europe and the rest of the world. He maintained constant attention and growing interest around his product, with a number of initiatives that included the foundation and spread of the Vespa Clubs. The Vespa became the Piaggio product par excellence, while Enrico personally tested prototypes and new models. His business prospects transcended national frontiers and by 1953, thanks to his untiring determination, there were more than ten thousand Piaggio service points throughout the world, including America and Asia. By then the Vespa Clubs counted over 50,000 members, all opposed to the "newborn" Innocenti Lambretta. No less than twenty thousand Vespa enthusiasts turned up at the Italian "Vespa Day" in 1951Time. Riding a Vespa was synonymous with freedom, with agile exploitation of space and with easier social relationships. The new scooter had become the symbol of a lifestyle that left its mark on its age: in the cinema, in literature and in advertising, the Vespa appeared endlessly among the most significant symbols of a changing society. In 1950, just four years from its debut, the Vespa was manufactured in Germany by Hoffman-Werke of Lintorf; the following year licensees opened in Great Britain (Douglas of Bristol) and France (ACMA of Paris); production began in Spain in 1953 at Moto Vespa of Madrid, now Piaggio España, followed immediately by Jette, outside Brussels. Plants sprang up in Bombay and Brazil; the Vespa reached the USA, and its enormous popularity drew the attention of the Reader's Digest, which wrote a long article about it. But that magical period was only the beginning. Soon the Vespa was produced in 13 countries and marketed in 114, including Australia, South Africa (where it was known as the "Bromponie", or moor pony), Iran and China. And it was copied: on June 9, 1957, Izvestia reported the start of production in Kirov, in the USSR, of the Viatka 150 cc, an almost perfect clone of the Vespa. Piaggio had begun very early on to extend its range into the light transport sector. In 1948, soon after the birth of the Vespa, production of the three-wheeler Ape van (the Italian for "bee") derived from the scooter began, and the vehicle was an immediate success for its many possible uses. Numerous imaginative versions of the Vespa appeared, some from Piaggio itself, but mainly from enthusiasts - for example, the Vespa Sidecar, or the Vespa-Alpha of 1967, developed with Alpha-Wallis for Dick Smart, a screen secret agent, which could race on the road, fly, and even be used on or underwater. The French army had a few Vespa models built specially to carry arms and bazookas, and others that could be parachuted together with the troops. Even the Italian army asked Piaggio for a parachutable scooter. | ![]() ![]() |
1956: THE VESPA CROSSES THE ONE MILLION MARK While the Lambretta was starting to enjoy some success, the Vespa was being copied and imitated in a thousand ways: but the uniqueness of the vehicle ensured Piaggio a very long period of success, so much so that in November 1953, the 500,000th unit left the line, followed by the one millionth in June 1956. In 1960 the Vespa passed the two million mark; in 1970 it reached four million, and over ten million in 1988, making it a unique phenomenon in the motorised two-wheeler sector it has sold over 16 million units to date. From 1946 to 1965, the year Enrico Piaggio died, 3,350,000 Vespas were manufactured in Italy alone: one for every fifty inhabitants. The boom of the Vespa, and the different business prospects of the Piaggio brothers, with Enrico concentrating on light individual mobility in Tuscany and Armando on the aeronautical business in Liguria, led the company to split. On February 22, 1964, Enrico Piaggio acquired the share in Piaggio & C. S.p.A. held by his brother Armando, who then founded "Rinaldo Piaggio Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche" (I.A.M. Rinaldo Piaggio). The Vespa 50 had appeared the previous year, 1963, following the introduction of a law in Italy making a numberplate obligatory on two-wheelers over 50 cc. The new scooter was exempt from this law and was an immediate success. In Italy sales of vehicles with numberplates decreased by 28 per cent in 1965 compared to the previous year. On the other hand, the Vespa, with its new "50" series, was a great success. The light Vespa was a successful addition to the Piaggio range and this displacement is still in production. To date almost 3,500,000 Vespa 50s have been built in different models and versions, the latest being the ET4 50 launched in autumn 2000. It is the first four stroke Vespa 50cc, and has a record range of over 500 km with a full tank. The Vespa PX (125, 150 and 200cc) is the biggest sales success in the entire history of the Vespa. It is the "original vintage" - launched in 1977, it has sold over two million units, and as such is a favourite among those with a sense of nostalgia but also with the younger market. | ![]() ![]() |
RECORDS, SPORTS AND LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: AROUND THE WORLD WITH THE VESPA The Vespa also has a racing career behind it. In Europe back in the Fifties, it took part, often successfully, in regular motor cycle races (speed and off-road), as well as unusual sporting ventures. In 1952 the Frenchman Georges Monneret built an "amphibious Vespa" for the Paris-London race and successfully crossed the Channel on it. The previous year Piaggio itself had built a Vespa 125cc prototype for speed racing, and it set the world speed record for a flying kilometre at an average of 171.102 km/h. The Vespa also scored a great success at the 1951 "International 6 Days" in Varese, winning 9 gold medals, the best of the Italian motorcycles. That same year saw the first of innumerable rallies with the Vespa: an expedition to the Congo, which was to be the first of a series of incredible journeys on a scooter that was intended primarily to solve the problems of urban and intercity traffic. Giancarlo Tironi, an Italian University student, reached the Arctic Circle on a Vespa. The Argentine Carlos Velez crossed the Andes from Buenos Aires to Santiago del Chile. Year after year, the Vespa gained popularity among adventure holiday enthusiasts: Roberto Patrignani rode one from Milan to Tokyo; Soren Nielsen in Greenland; James P. Owen from the USA to Tierra del Fuego; Santiago Guillen and Antonio Veciana from Madrid to Athens; Wally Bergen on a grand tour of the Antilles; the Italians Valenti and Rivadulla in a tour of Spain; Miss Warral from London to Australia and back; the Australian Geoff Dean took one on a round-the-world tour. Pierre Delliere, Sergeant in the French Air Force, reached Saigon in 51 days from Paris, going through Afghanistan. The Swiss Giuseppe Morandi travelled 6,000 km, much of it in the desert, on a Vespa he had bought in 1948. Ennio Carrega went from Genoa to Lapland and back in 12 days. Two Danish journalists Elizabeth and Erik Thrane, a brother and sister, reached Bombay on a Vespa. And it is impossible to count the many European scooter riders who have reached the North Cape on their Vespas. Few know that in 1980 two Vespa PX 200s ridden by M. Simonot and B. Tcherniawsky reached the finishing line of the second Paris-Dakar rally. Four-time Le Mans 24 Hours winner Henri Pescarolo helped the French team put together by Jean-François Piot. The Vespa continues to travel: in 1992 Giorgio Bettinelli, writer and journalist, left Rome on a Vespa and reached Saigon in March 1993. In 1994-95 he rode a Vespa 36,000 km from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. In 1995-96 he travelled from Melbourne to Cape Town - over 52,000 km in 12 months. In 1997 he started out from Chile, reaching Tasmania after three years and 150,000 km on his Vespa across the Americas, Siberia, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. All in all, Bettinelli has travelled 254,000 km on a Vespa. | ![]() |
VESPA, THE CINEMA AND THE USA Stylish and unmistakably Vespa, exceptionally comfortable to ride with low-environmental-impact engines and disk brakes, the new-generation ET models are now also sold in numerous "Vespa Boutiques" in the US (over 60 from California to Florida and from Hawaii to New York, with the latest two boutiques in SoHo and Queens). Having returned to the US in 2000 after exiting the market in 1985 because of new emissions legislation that targeted two stroke engines, the Vespa was an immediate success all over again, and has achieved a market share of 20 per cent of the small (40,000 units a year) but growing scooter sector. 6,000 Vespas were sold in the first year, 2001, and over 7,000 in 2002. But the Vespa isn't just a market phenomenon. It forms part of social history. In the "Dolce Vita" years the Vespa became a synonym for scooter, foreign reporters described Italy as "the country of the Vespa" and the Vespa's role in social history, not just in Italy but abroad, can be seen from its presence in hundreds of films. And it's a story that continues to be told today. Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in "Roman Holiday " were only the first of a long series of international actors and actresses to be seen on the world's most famous scooter in a filmography that goes from "Quadrophenia" to "American Graffiti", from "The Talented Mr. Ripley" to "102 Dalmatians", not to mention "Dear Diary ". In photo shoots, films and on the set, the Vespa has been a "travel companion" for names like Raquel Welch, Ursula Andress, Geraldine Chaplin, Joan Collins, Jayne Mansfield, Virna Lisi, Milla Jovovich, Marcello Mastroianni, Charlton Heston, John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Gary Cooper, Anthony Perkins, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Nanni Moretti, Sting, Antonio Banderas, Matt Damon, Gérard Depardieu, Jude Law, Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson. | ![]() ![]() |
Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008
Tips of Vespa
With Honestly,
Physically, Scooter is wheel motor vehicle type two (2) where rider pampered with balmy and unique vehicle construction also its security in riding. According to History, Scooter in Language of Italy is “Wasp" this matter of obsession of scooter or form looking like Wasp. Borned Scooter of state of
Principle of performance from at machine of vespa this base on two stroke or two step, first step is rinsing and also its mixing among/between previous air and fuel have in arranging from carburetor, last of step both of process emphasis of fuel of burning room is so that happened by explosion of sprinkling of spark plug fire and fuel causing the existence of motivation of piston turning around balanced crank shaft and transmission gear coupling. Hereunder I will explain peripheral of machine of Vespa Super ‘76 consisting of.
I. CARBURETTOR Carburetor is one appliance composition arranging fuel supply to room burn, this a appliance which working kinetically without electronic appliance of rider only arranging air supply pass/through accelerator foot control of which there is last drive acceleration handle of other peripheral of carburetor correspond to by self its
II. IGNITION of is So-Called Process ignition is the happening of one sprinkling of spark plug fire as lighter of fuel which have been mingled and rinsed by balanced crank shaft or of crank shaft existing in room burn to utilize the happening of explosion yielding motivation of piston Fire exist in spark plug yielded from existing BOBBIN CIRCUMFERENCE PLATINUM in magnetic field, electrize from bobbin circumference in stabilizing fairish CONDENSER of last 2 farad in system or signaling by PLATINUM electrize which passing process above in strengthening or enlarge by COIL, this process affect sprinkling of fire in SPARK PLUG with power of more than 4000 voltage with weak ampere dot.
III. ROOM BURN Room burn is one room exist in machine of vespa to yield energy have capacities to 150 CC, here happened process of MIXTURITATION or of Mixing among/between fuel have gasoline type to with CRUTCH ACE air or balanced crank shaft after mix by fuel in transferring by its piston which have impelled by previous process of cavity passing of transferring exist in BLOCK CYLINDER, last of natural fuel of emphasis to vacuum room exist in HEAD CYLINDER here happened explosion result of from pressure and sprinkling of spark plug fire, rest of fuel which is have dioxide carbon type to thrown into the air release to pass/through hole throw away flange to functioning pipe throw exploit gas throw away as compression return to complete process hereinafter, as well as this pipe throw function as silencer voice explosion,
IV. GIRATION OR ROTATION MACHINE Three process above yielding gyration or rotation of gears and machine exist in gearbox in passing COUPLING or of clutch which is function as automatically neutrally of gear rotation of according to with desire of rider in gear of box consist of GEAR PRIMARY or more in recognizing with tooth of compiler gyration of tooth of compiler this in direct correlation to GEAR SECONDARY or more knowledgeable as incisor. Arrangement of transmission of speed of tooth 1 to 4 of by CRASH GEAR or crossed tooth of this direct arrangement in linking to conducting or power handle, the unique of this machine in energy transfer do not use system enchain. In all important easy and cheaper treatment is correctness and to fine use this machine.
i. Dirty Carburetor often or needle choke up In this problem affect direct fastly motor, motor in accelerate to choke up- motor or opposite also difficult to live sometimes also spark plug often die seen from tip of its isolator spark plug of black chromatic of blackest resulting to lose him sprinkling of fire in its Solution spark plug
1. Cleaning fuel tank of rust and dirt
2. Check after gasoline of fuel crust
3. Cleaning carburetor use wind compressor of check return hole- hole of needle don't there is dirt which is left behind, correctness in claiming in this case
4. Check hole size measure of needle have snugly not yet highness don't or is small. If/When highness of motor will be extravagant of fuel as well as spark plug often die. size measure of needle hole have directive to at factory standard gauge
5. Setting or tuning of ideal needle have to snugly according to experience of me its way by tuning carburetor stationer at highest style, then turn around ideal needle use screwdriver of right after desisting rotation tail slackened again to is left of slow heard by machine voice in highest rotation,
ii. IGNITION of is Problem of ignition also will affect direct at accelerating motor or motor cannot live, hardly of motor starter usually ignition constraint reside in at platinum style which not true, can also one of the peripheral of ignition of Spark Plug like, Coil, Platinum, Liquefier, Bobbin circumference Ignition there is which have improper wear or death. its solution: First step check color tip of spark plug, if/when black chromatic of spark plug blackest sprinkling of its solution fire will not improve repeat size measure of needle jet propulsion pilot and play jet propulsion, if/when color tip of sorrel spark plug hence checking to part of which is ignition of the other use worthy Coil if us of short circuit spark plug cable with distance to machine mass predict to predict 8 mm still happened blue chromatic fire hop, if/when blue color not here rose colored fire hop or sprinkling this means platinum style not true or the its him which it is true have weakened, fire hop of coil influenced direct by platinum style, Tuning of real correct platinum is to apart alienation among/between minus connector and its plus connector about 0,5mm. by using screwdriver of minus, need in considering its tuning don't in hammer it because matter will take a short cut age wear platinum of because the connector within is not diametrical bent or. Hop that happened at platinum also relate to the condition of condenser Inspection of condenser very what easy if/when happened fire hop in this platinum in because condenser you have improperly wear, change your liquefier or there is a way of other that is transplanting liquefier with other liquefier or its condenser system in double of the size is same liquefier capacities 2 farad, Last is check of bobbin circumference ignition of you still use worthy or have to in changing with newly, sign of bobbin circumference damage ignition, usually bobbin of bobbin circumference chafed, roll of bobbin circumference loosen, broken bobbin circumference. If altogether stabilize hence you is obliged to check puur nap or accuracy of ignition but previously see first the condition of magnet spi broken or do not also see the condition of rotor still nicely or have do not, size measure of nap puur is 21 degree before dead dot of condition or axis lead piston above.
iii. Motor stuck this cannot starter is an problem of more fatal machine usually this matter happened in because BEARING there is damage, piston forceps or of CONECTING damage ROOD, Piston ring broken, PISTON improper wear, peripheral in box gear there is which broken, SPIRAL SPRING TOOTH PRIMARY mould, PLATE COUPLING which have improper wear. toothless TOOTH STARTER or mould. Its Solution process have to go down us and machine have to unload all peripheral of machine so that/ to be is easier of checking of him/ it. If in checking of peripheral in the reality there is better damage of our. Change with newly, to take care of things which do not in wishing which might possibly wait happened in us of operate the vehicle of us in road street.
iv. iv. Motor is not balmy in riding or joggles in a condition this outside from at machine except peripheral of and supporter of stabilizer machine rubber or vibration, problem of this concerning us comfortable in ride because all this will affect direct in SAFETY REEDING safety of threatened us if/when this matter in letting. As for solution of herewith :
check of is condition of eligibility of and tire of rims, if/when bald tire have to change the condition of rims even also have to stabilize don't there is joggle Check of is condition of ace swing still use worthy or do not, usually in a condition this next pig nutmeg will joggle what ace if swing to destroy, all that affect direct at control system vehicle of you, Check body at fulcrum like, MOTOR BODY, BONE CROCODILE, HOLE ACE MACHINE, FULCRUMS PRETEND BEHIND, ETC. If/When happened rustiness. at body don't let that thing dissolve because will cause damage of more fatal body even have happened not or arrive to arrive broken. Check the condition of STABILIZER VIBRATION or machine rubbers and of shock breaker also MOUNTING pretend behind, if/when seen have damage or worn out have to in short order in changing. Check of SHOCK BREAKER, what if pretend breaker have weakened goodness spiral spring him or pretend is obliged to we change, don't forget the condition of good wheel nut of boisterous back and also front in a condition and locked by breach-block nail axis. Don’t once your times rill of spiral spring bet with your soul just because lazy to improve repairing it.
That way this prologue is I submit to you as my brother in vespa, correctness of you is key of comfortable safety and in riding vespa in road street, DON'T YOU HAVE PUT LIFE ON THE LINE YOU WITH VEHICLE WHICH IMPROPER WEAR. Before and after I render thanks. Sweet Vespa Bravo of glorious
Yours Faithfully.